How Long Does Pepper Spray Last on a Surface?

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray (OC) is a widely-used self-defense device, serving as an immediate, nonlethal means to deter attackers and give you time to flee from them. Used by law enforcement and security personnel as well as individuals seeking personal security, pepper spray can provide immediate, nonlethal deterrence against attacks while giving enough time for you to safely escape. OC should be applied correctly in order to maximize its effectiveness against attackers while leaving its residue unaffected. To use pepper spray effectively it’s essential to understand its duration on surfaces as well as proper removal techniques of its residue afterward.

Pepper spray typically features a stream pattern that shoots straight towards an attacker, hitting their face and mouth directly. Gel and foam models, however, feature unique dispersal patterns which may be ideal for single targets while simultaneously reducing contamination to surrounding areas; these need good aim though!

Pepper spray lingers on surfaces depending on various environmental factors:

  • including type of surface
  • temperature
  • humidity
  • and airflow.

Porous surfaces like fabric or carpet tend to absorb spray more readily while nonporous ones such as glass or metal may better retain it.

rinse eyes

If you come into contact with pepper spray or its residue, immediately rinse the area with saline solution to flush away any chemicals from your eyes and skin. Next, gently blot affected areas with damp cloth or paper towel instead of rubbing as this could spread the residue further and embed itself further in materials. Finally, open windows and doors to facilitate ventilation and speed up drying time.

Read more   What's the Difference Between Pepper Spray and Tear Gas?