What’s the Difference Between Pepper Spray and Tear Gas?

tear gas

Pepper spray and mace are two effective tools for self-defense that can help ward off aggressive dogs while out running or wild animals while camping. Both products contain similar chemicals and are legal in most states for personal defense use, but what’s the difference between the two products?

  • Pepper spray offers numerous advantages and disadvantages; one such advantage is temporary blindness caused by its blistering effects on eyes and skin, causing temporary blindness, coughing, nausea and pain – providing you with an opportunity to escape quickly if necessary. However, its effects may not work against someone under the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychotics;
  • Tear gas works through pain to incapacitate an assailant. It may cause them to choke, squint and cough up fluid that makes breathing and speaking difficult; also making this option suitable for people who shy away from using force in self-defense as it quickly incapacitates a subject while giving you time to escape safely.
Principles and Techniques of Kempo Karate

Proper training for any self-defense spray you choose is crucial to its effective deployment and use. Before purchasing any weapon, check local laws and regulations to see if you are legally allowed to carry it, as well as practicing with it so you feel confident when taking out of your pocket/purse, unlocking/locking safety mechanism, aiming, and firing it.

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