Author: Jean Lane

How is Zen Buddhism Different From Traditional Buddhism?

person doing meditation pose
  • Zen is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that originated during China’s Tang dynasty as the Chan or Buddha-mind school and later broadened into sub-schools and branches.
  • Zen can be identified by its emphasis on simplicity, zazen meditation and nonduality – while Theravada emphasizes detachment from worldly affairs.

Differences in philosophy may also play a part in how Zen and Theravada practitioners approach the dharma, such as whether Buddhists engage more closely with their emotions or detach more from them compared with each other when practicing their respective schools’ respective branches dharma practices dharmas.

The act of samadhi

woman sitting

Zen practitioners utilize not only koan methods but also “just sitting”, an act of samadhi that emphasizes wisdom and compassion simultaneously in all circumstances of daily life, transcending either-or, dualistic viewpoints.

Zen was first mentioned in 672 CE at a Shaolin temple in China and is commonly associated with Bodhidharma from South India’s Pallava Dynasty as its founder. Bodhidharma taught an unconventional transmission that did not rely on words alone for spiritual enlightenment; its heart lies within meditation as its practice transcends self-binding. Zen emphasizes freedom from attachment and desire through this practice as its teachings emphasize positionless awareness as opposed to attachment or control over oneself.

An emphasis on disciplined living

In order to attain peace, Zen requires learning how to let go. Although Zen may seem harsh at first, with its emphasis on disciplined living and being able to endure pain, its paradoxical teachings also allow for some degree of spontaneity that results in freedom and peace.

Some Zen traditions incorporate formal rituals of Dharma transmission through esoteric initiations; other schools do not. Both approaches stem from Mahayana teachings that believe Buddha exists within all humans.

The basis for Zen

monk sitting near ocean

Mahayana Buddhism, which serves as a basis for Zen, emphasizes an absolute truth that goes beyond Theravada Buddhist’s relative truths. Mahayana teachings refer to an “emptiness” or suchness of all things that is neither rising nor ceasing; these concepts serve as the cornerstone for Zen meditation practice.

Butsudans, or altars, are at the heart of Zen monasteries, temples and homes alike. Offerings are made to statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas as well as deceased family members and ancestors. Buddhists also recite major Mahayana sutras such as Heart Sutra and chapter 25 of Lotus Sutra (known also as Avalokitesvara Sutra), as well as texts such as Dharanis or Recitation of sacred Mantras or poems like Song of Precious Mirror Samadhi; usually these texts are accompanied by formal ceremonies in which teachers give Dharma talks.

Can Buddhist Monks Marry?

gold wedding bands

Popular belief holds that most Buddhist monks and nuns are celibate. While this may be true for most monastic traditions, there are exceptions such as when Japanese Emperor Admatsu abolished celibacy in 19th Century – since then Japanese monastics are more likely to marry than Korean counterparts; some Western schools even permit monastics to marry if desired.

However, can Buddhist monks marry? The answer to this question can vary widely and depends on a number of factors such as monastery disciplinary rules and lineage regulations as well as whether a monk has been ordained. Monks who are ordained must abide by certain stringent regulations which prohibit touching women and engaging in lewd speech, known as heavy rules; these restrictions aim to keep monks from falling into sexually corrupt behavior that leads to sinfulness; any violation could lead to disrobement by monastery authorities.

Did not advocate a life of celibacy

There have been reported instances of married monks and pregnant nuns in both China and Thailand in the past. Perhaps most infamously was Sudinna, a monk who committed adultery and fathered an offspring before eventually being decapitated for his crimes. Yet it should be remembered that Buddha himself did not advocate a life of celibacy for his followers – rather, he stressed living a balanced lifestyle with right livelihood practices as priorities.

monk sitting near ocean

Reasons that monks do not engage in sexual behavior today may include their belief that sexual encounters will impede their spiritual growth and lead to attachment or desire that could interfere with attaining enlightenment. Furthermore, some monks hold that their parents would be happier without marriage and children in the family unit.

Men who want to show their devotion and affection for their parents often enter monasteries as an act of filial piety, which can bring great benefits for the family unit. Others become monks to honor deceased loved ones with hopes that doing so will free them of any karmic debts that they have accrued during life.

Not Commonplace Though

Although these examples of married monks and pregnant nuns may not be commonplace, they serve to illustrate some of the challenges encountered by spiritual seekers living in modern society. Many find it challenging to renounce sex and other worldly desires for spiritual practice alone. Therefore, prospective monastics should carefully consider their intentions before committing themselves to ordaining.

Can Pepper Spray Go Through TSA?

best, pepper spray

Do I Have Permission to Carry Pepper Spray on a Plane?

Short answer is “yes”, provided that you meet TSA specifications and your airline’s policies.

Most airlines allow passengers to pack small amounts of pepper spray in checked luggage (although United has regulations that differ from TSA). Pepper spray canisters should have safety mechanisms built-in that prevent accidental discharge; furthermore, check to see if your destination country imposes restrictions or laws against carrying it as this can change over time.

TSA regulations

Be mindful of TSA regulations when packing pepper spray for travel. Doing so will speed up security screening processes as it shows clearly that your item complies with TSA rules, alert baggage handlers of its contents and help prevent leakage during transit.

SABRE pepper gel comes packaged in an ideal locking travel container that makes for convenient pepper spray travel. This pepper spray allows you to pack up to 4 oz in your checked luggage while meeting TSA requirements for container size, safety mechanism and tear gas limit of 2% tear gas limit. Furthermore, this container comes equipped with an innovative flip top safety feature which keeps the product inactive until needed.

Buddha Vs Budai What is the Real Difference

fat buddha

The key differences between the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) and Budai (the Laughing Buddha) are:

  1. Historical origins:
  • The Buddha was the historical founder of Buddhism, who lived around 600 BC in India.
  • Budai was a Chinese Zen monk who lived around the 10th century AD, over 1,600 years after the Buddha. He is a legendary, folkloric figure, not the historical Buddha.
  1. Physical appearance:
  • The Buddha is typically depicted as a slim, ascetic figure in meditation.
  • Budai is portrayed as a fat, jolly, laughing monk with a large belly and sack.
  1. Significance:
  • The Buddha is the enlightened spiritual teacher whose teachings form the foundation of Buddhism.
  • Budai is a symbol of happiness, contentment, and prosperity in Chinese folklore, not the historical Buddha.

In summary, the Buddha was the founder of Buddhism, while Budai is a separate, later Chinese folkloric figure often mistaken for the Buddha due to the shared title. The Buddha is depicted as a slim, meditative figure, while Budai is portrayed as a fat, laughing monk.


Laughing Buddhas are beloved symbols in Buddhist culture, often being seen as symbols of contentment, happiness and abundance. Indeed, one popular misconception suggests that rubbing the fat & happy Buddha’s belly brings wealth & prosperity – yet this figure should not be mistaken for its founder; in actuality he’s actually one of several Bodhisattvas known as Budai or Angida who were instrumental in founding Buddhism!

The Buddha is widely recognized as an individual who attained Nirvana, as well as teaching others how to achieve it themselves. His laughter remains a poignant reminder that we should cherish what we have and share it with those around us; therefore he has become such an iconic symbol of joy, contentment, and good luck.

Buddha statue

Budai or Angida

Budai or Angida is a specific bodhisattva who appears in Chinese folklore and Buddhist traditions. Known as the God of Contentment due to his ever-smiling face, often depicted with a big belly and cloth bag symbolizing wealth and abundance; popular in Zen Buddhism; also very well-recognized among Japanese culture as one of their Seven Lucky Gods (Hotei).

Understanding who founded Buddhism can be confusing. One such buddha was Siddhartha Gautama, a monk who lived in India during about 5th century BCE and is often depicted as having chubby cheeks and smiling widely. But it is essential that all understand that Siddhartha Gautama, not Buddha Amida or Budai was responsible.

Chose to lead a life ascetic

While most commonly associated with his chubby smiling visage, Siddhartha Gautama was actually born into a wealthy family but chose instead to lead a life ascetic in search of spiritual enlightenment. While having the power of entering Nirvana at any moment in his lifetime, he chose instead to remain here on earth for some time so he could share his wisdom with those around him.

While not the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, this popular deity from Chinese and other Asian cultures like Shinto reveres them nonetheless. He serves as a powerful bodhisattva. Budai represents Maitreya, who will appear as a future Buddha when sentient beings have lost sight of moral values and need re-educating in pure Dharma. His arrival will bring peace, prosperity and ultimate enlightenment for humanity as a whole. He can be found throughout homes and businesses worldwide, often providing happiness and contentment. This article was written by Denise Leidy, Curator of Asian Art at Yale University’s Art Gallery and former curator at Metropolitan Museum of Art for over 22 years, publishing numerous books along the way as a practicing Buddhist who appreciates its beauty and grace.

Buddhism and the 12 Steps Recovery Program

12 steps recovery

Some 12-step recovery programs in Alcoholics Anonymous share similarities with the spiritual practices associated with Buddhism, leading to several books which bridge both concepts.

Examples include

Buddhists believe that life can often be filled with suffering; meditation, spiritual and physical labor and good behavior are ways to relieve that suffering and reach Nirvana enlightenment or Nirvana. Their teachings come from Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha himself who attained Nirvana over two millennia ago in India.

The middle path

middle path

The Buddha sought a middle path between dogmatism and skepticism, encouraging personal experience while taking an open-minded approach to all forms of knowledge. Within ethics he advocated a threefold understanding of action – mental, verbal, and bodily. Additionally in metaphysics he challenged soul-based identities by emphasizing how everything arises or depends upon others.

He emphasizes the significance of morality and cultivating loving-kindness (metta) as foundational Buddhist principles. For instance, feeding hungry individuals is more meritorious than building temples; and taking refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as well as abiding by the Five Precepts is even more advantageous.

One aspect of Buddha’s philosophy was teaching his followers about their karma–the sum total of their positive and negative actions–can have lasting repercussions, even here in this lifetime. Furthermore, he believed humans were born into an environment with multiple species and living things, each offering different chances for spiritual bliss; each individual must decide upon an approach best suited to them according to what we know and feel is right.

Are Stun Guns Legal in Washington DC?

Stun guns and Tasers are widely used weapons of personal self-defense and nonlethal alternatives to firearms used by law enforcement. These non-lethal options typically utilize metal prongs to deliver an electric shock which temporarily incapacitates an attacker, giving time for escape or calling for help. Although popular, state and local laws, court decisions and interpretations can affect where stun guns or Tasers can be purchased or carried – such as permit requirements, state-wide bans and restrictions on where they can be carried openly or concealed.

This article details some key guidelines which govern these weapons such as permit requirements, state-wide bans as well as restrictions affecting them that affect these weapons including permit requirements, state-wide bans as well as restrictions regulating when buying/selling and carrying these weapons in some detail.

Are Stun Guns Legal in Washington Dc

Washington DC does not require a license to purchase or possess a stun gun, though sales to anyone previously convicted of a felony or unlawfully arrested within five years are restricted. Furthermore, Metropolitan Police Department mandates an extensive background check as well as 10-day waiting period before selling a stun gun to any resident; their website includes a list of approved handguns.

Clothing can make stun guns less effective, as thicker layers of fabric reduce how much energy is transferred to an attacker. That is why some stun guns feature more prominent electrodes to transfer more of the available charge directly into an attacker.

Red Flag laws exist in some states to require individuals who may pose a threat to themselves or others to turn over weapons and ammunition to law enforcement, along with any stun guns or Tasers they possess for an agreed upon amount of time. If you have questions regarding your right to possess these devices, consult an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

Does Pepper Spray Work on Coyotes?

black and white

Coyote encounters have become more frequent as human populations expand. This trend can be partially attributed to forest habitat loss and coyotes becoming habituated to living near humans through direct interactions or people feeding the animals – both activities can lead to behavioral changes that put humans at greater risk of conflict with these predators.

Coyotes typically live in family groups known as packs, although they can occasionally be seen alone. They feed on various small creatures such as rodents but will also consume larger prey such as deer fawns (adult deer are generally avoided). Although rarely fatal to humans, coyotes have been known to bite in self-defense when feeling their territory is threatened.

Coyotes typically flee when they detect your approach; if it doesn’t, however, hazing by shouting loudly while standing tall and waving arms often works to convince it to leave. You can approach closer for maximum intensity of hazing until it disappears from sight.

Pepper spray can be moderately effective against coyotes, but its effectiveness is limited. Here are the key points:

  • Pepper spray has a relatively short range of around 10-15 feet, so it requires the coyote to be fairly close for it to work. This increases the risk to the person using it.
  • The effects of pepper spray on coyotes last around 50 minutes if sprayed correctly in the eyes/face area. However, coyotes may still be able to flee the area while temporarily incapacitated.
  • Pepper spray is intended as a last resort deterrent when a coyote is acting aggressively and approaching too closely. It is not recommended for general hazing or deterring coyotes from a distance.
  • More effective deterrents for keeping coyotes away include loud noises (air horns, banging pots), bright lights, throwing objects, using coyote shakers or whistles, and spraying with hoses or vinegar solutions. Hazing techniques work best when combined with removing attractants like pet food and securing trash.
  • For close encounters, experts recommend carrying a walking stick, making yourself appear large by waving arms, and backing away slowly without turning your back. Pepper spray can be an additional deterrent at close range if the coyote does not retreat.

So in summary, while pepper spray may temporarily deter an aggressive coyote at very close range, other hazing methods are generally recommended first to avoid having to get that close.

Read more:

Other deterrents for coyotes include wind chimes, bells and noise-making devices like air horns or coyote shakers. Scent-based repellents like garlic and onion are also effective; you simply need to chop up your ingredients beforehand and soak them overnight in water to create a spray solution.

Buddhism Vs Stoicism What are The Differences?


One of the most widely practiced philosophies nowadays is Buddhism, and many modern Westerners have integrated aspects into their daily lives. While similarities with stoicism may exist due to both being focused on mental training, there are distinct distinctions between the two approaches that should be noted.

  • Stoicism focuses on developing an increased understanding of what causes happiness and suffering;
  • Buddhism aims at cultivating inner calm through meditation on the Noble Eightfold Path; these are principles devised by Siddhartha Gautama following his enlightenment experience. Additionally, Buddhist philosophy also offers instruction about various kinds of meditation practices as well as their benefits, with advice for how best to incorporate them into everyday life.

Though Buddhism is a religion, its core philosophy – impermanence of all things and our ability to control our actions and reactions alone – cannot be overemphasized. Buddhism emphasizes living in the present while curbing cravings – similar to stoicism.

Buddhism emphasizes kindness over any other philosophy, which may explain why it has more followers worldwide. Buddhism stresses our interdependence, teaching that everyone deserves basic human dignity. Furthermore, its followers must look after sick or elderly members of society and behave in accordance with this ideology that all humankind is related together.

They share some common values

Stoicism and Buddhism share several characteristics in common, with mindfulness playing an essential part in helping individuals to reach a state of tranquility regardless of external conditions. Stoicism often associates itself with rational thought processes – something Buddhists also highly value.

Stoicism’s view on how we can develop virtue is that of having a dispassionate affection for all things, which means appreciating that good and evil coexist, as well as not letting our emotions dictate by false judgments (often known as emotions).

Buddha statue

Both Buddhist and Stoic philosophy emphasize the need for practical application, and offer training techniques to assist us in applying their principles to real-life situations. Buddhist techniques involve meditation exercises while Stoicism incorporates reading texts aloud as well as daily reflection on virtues and values.

Stoicism was founded by Zeno of Citium after experiencing a shipwreck and loss of wealth and property in 300 BC, leading him to see that suffering exists in this world and founding his philosophy: Stoicism. Crates of Thebes taught him prior to developing his own ideas – initially known as Zenoism but changed later so as not to create a cult of personality around Zeno.

Kickboxing Vs Taekwondo

Taekwondo and kickboxing are two of the world’s most widely practiced martial arts, each boasting its own distinct techniques, styles of training, competitive structures, philosophical foundations, cultural influences and techniques. Both offer great workouts while teaching self-defense skills as well as creating a sense of discipline and accomplishment – when selecting which martial art to pursue it’s important to consider your personal goals and preferences before making your choice.

Taekwondo is a striking sport rooted in traditional Korean martial arts. Unlike many other striking sports, taekwondo places greater emphasis on kicking rather than punching, with high kicks and spins often employed during matches. Kickboxing provides more comprehensive martial art training with punches and kicks being employed during every fight; plus numerous fighting techniques including knee strikes and elbow strikes for maximum combat effectiveness.

At the core, selecting between taekwondo and kickboxing boils down to personal preference and your training goals. If your objective is to develop advanced punching combinations, taekwondo may be suitable. Conversely, for those aspiring to MMA later in their career kickboxing is likely the superior option as it teaches how to combine punches and kicks effectively.

Both martial arts are complete, so kids should train both taekwondo and kickboxing to develop well-rounded skillsets. While taekwondo may have its place, too often its focus can be too narrowly on competition with limited real world applications; additionally, formalized techniques and sparring may make it challenging for some kids to pick up this form of self defense. Conversely, kickboxing places equal emphasis on both kicks and punches so as to develop more balanced skill sets in children.

Kickboxing is also a superior self-defense method to taekwondo; in most instances a trained kickboxer will beat street thug without martial arts training in hand-to-hand fighting. Kickboxing teaches participants to control the force behind their strikes for more efficient confrontation management in real world situations than unleashing as much force as possible at once.

One key distinction between taekwondo and boxing lies in their respective approaches to grappling and submission holds. When engaging in real world combat situations, your opponent may try to knock you out; therefore it’s essential that you can hold them without placing yourself in more danger. Clinch grappling is a standing grappling technique which involves locking an opponent’s arm or wrist while controlling their upper body with grips and chokeholds. Kickboxing teaches clinching techniques to prevent an attacker from striking back with punches or kicks, giving yourself more time to strike back and counter their attacks. Taekwondo relies less heavily on clinching techniques; most likely only teaching how to block an attack rather than take someone down, and does not permit leg kicks, which are essential tools in Muay Thai and MMA combat sports; good leg kicks can take someone quickly down onto the ground and disarm them, so having one in your arsenal is essential.

Taekwondo Stances

Stances play an essential role in Taekwondo. They allow for greater power in attack and defence while providing a solid platform from which the martial artist can work from. A proper stance can make techniques effective; an improper one could render them weak or even unsuccessful. There should also be consideration given to positioning of legs, arms and hands when taking a stance.

Taekwondo employs various stances that can be utilized. Some can be used for kicking and sparring while others are more frequently employed during forms or poomsae (kata). Commonly seen stances include front, back, horse-riding and fighting positions.

Front Stance (Gunnun Sogi)

This position refers to when one foot is facing forward; either full or half facing. Feet are shoulder width apart and parallel, with heel of front foot aligned with big toe of rear foot; weight distribution should be 60 percent on rear foot and 40 percent on front foot.

This stance is ideal for close range fighting as it allows the fighter to easily step forward and attack or backwards and defend. Arms are extended outward with fists loosely clenched.

Cat or Tiger Stance (Gyeonjunbi Sogi) is an extremely effective form of fighting stance that provides great balance and support while lunging forward. Foot placement varies slightly compared to walking stance, with front foot holding more weight while heel is off ground; chin down and arms ready to block or strike when appropriate.

Another effective defensive stance is the horse-riding or “jucumseogi stance (Gyeonjunbi Sogi). This type of stance makes the body present a smaller target to an opponent and makes them harder to hit. Similar to an extended front stance with one leg chambered for throwing kicks and another foot guarding. Both hands remain in closed blocking position for added defense.

However, this stance may present several problems: If the feet are too wide they can cause unbalanced torso movements and slowdown any movements; on the other hand, too narrow feet can result in instability and lack of power. Therefore, an ideal middle ground would be shoulder or hip width feet for maximum balance while still permitting quick switching between stances to evade attacks from opponents; otherwise they are an easy target!