Tag: marriage

Can Buddhist Monks Marry?

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Popular belief holds that most Buddhist monks and nuns are celibate. While this may be true for most monastic traditions, there are exceptions such as when Japanese Emperor Admatsu abolished celibacy in 19th Century – since then Japanese monastics are more likely to marry than Korean counterparts; some Western schools even permit monastics to marry if desired.

However, can Buddhist monks marry? The answer to this question can vary widely and depends on a number of factors such as monastery disciplinary rules and lineage regulations as well as whether a monk has been ordained. Monks who are ordained must abide by certain stringent regulations which prohibit touching women and engaging in lewd speech, known as heavy rules; these restrictions aim to keep monks from falling into sexually corrupt behavior that leads to sinfulness; any violation could lead to disrobement by monastery authorities.

Did not advocate a life of celibacy

There have been reported instances of married monks and pregnant nuns in both China and Thailand in the past. Perhaps most infamously was Sudinna, a monk who committed adultery and fathered an offspring before eventually being decapitated for his crimes. Yet it should be remembered that Buddha himself did not advocate a life of celibacy for his followers – rather, he stressed living a balanced lifestyle with right livelihood practices as priorities.

monk sitting near ocean

Reasons that monks do not engage in sexual behavior today may include their belief that sexual encounters will impede their spiritual growth and lead to attachment or desire that could interfere with attaining enlightenment. Furthermore, some monks hold that their parents would be happier without marriage and children in the family unit.

Men who want to show their devotion and affection for their parents often enter monasteries as an act of filial piety, which can bring great benefits for the family unit. Others become monks to honor deceased loved ones with hopes that doing so will free them of any karmic debts that they have accrued during life.

Not Commonplace Though

Although these examples of married monks and pregnant nuns may not be commonplace, they serve to illustrate some of the challenges encountered by spiritual seekers living in modern society. Many find it challenging to renounce sex and other worldly desires for spiritual practice alone. Therefore, prospective monastics should carefully consider their intentions before committing themselves to ordaining.